
MySWANA Blogs Are Coming...

By Robert Wolfe posted 04-22-2010 05:02 PM


MySWANA has a ton of cool features that we're still exploring, one of them being the personal blog.

So what good is a blog? It's your voice, your opportunity to share your thoughts, expertise and/or insights into what you're working on with other SWANA members. And blogs can be as formal or conversational as you'd like. It's your voice, you can define it.

Interested in being a blogging guinea pig? Send me a note or comment below. (It's still a little raw at this point and I want to give an appropriate turtorial to those interested.)

Well I'm off to continue to testing out this feature, but check back on this blog as I share tutorials into current MySWANA funcitionality, sneak peeks of future MySWANA features and occasionally share some first looks at SWANA events, benefits and more.

Thanks for reading,

Your turn to contribute: What do types of things would you like to see me and/or members blog about? Comment below.

1 comment



05-13-2010 11:08 AM

how about a landfill gas blog about operating a collection system that feeds an energy plant, and what helps that day-to-day effort