
WASTECON 2012 - Presentation Formats

By Meri Beth Wojtaszek posted 10-11-2011 08:55 AM

We're gearing up to launch the Call for Papers and Presentations for WASTECON 2012.  We are all looking forward to the 50th Anniversary Celebration and would like to add some fresh new session formats to the  technical conference.  We'd like to know what you think...and I'm sure that some of the folks preparing proposals would be interested as well.  Here's some of the new format options that we're adding to our traditional lecture and panel formats.  

 Session Format  Description
 What Do You Think?
  • 30-90 minute session during which the Session Organizer will lead session attendees in an engaging conversation that explores questions/issues of importance on a preferred topic area. Conversations are facilitated by the Session Organizer with thought-provoking questions. The majority of the session allows for session attendees’ participation, but the Session Organizer must have the discussion topics prepared in order to lead the session. This includes having examples and questions to stimulate conversation and thoughts.
 Dumpster Dives
  • 2-3 hour exploration of a hot topic. This session will have a mix of formal presentations and in-depth attendee interaction. A formal presentation will be given by the Session Organizer, allowing for conversation and questions from the attendees. The topic should be one that is current and complicated, and that doesn’t necessarily have clearly defined answers or outcomes. Examples include exploring new revenue streams or creating a disaster recovery plan.
 Hands-On Session
  • 30-90 minute hands-on demonstration. Please include the types of resources you will need to conduct the demonstration. Note: Session Organizers will be responsible for providing any specialized equipment needed to conduct the demonstration.
 Ignite!  WASTECON
  • 5-minute presentation with 20 slides that automatically advance every 15 seconds – See what was done at last year’s WASTECON Ignite! event:
How do you...?
  • 30-90 minute session in which session attendees will bring their questions on a preferred topic to a panel of 2-4 experts on that topic.
"10 Ways.."
  • 30-90 minute brainstorming session during which attendees will share tips, guidance and successful approaches ( “ways”) to accomplish a specified outcome. The Session Organizer will provide a 5-10 minute presentation to set the stage for the collaboration. Attendees will provide short explanations of the “ways” and field questions and/or additional best practices from the other participants in the session. By the end of the session, the group will have created a list of “Ten Ways to…” that can be published in the proceedings and the MySWANA blog for further input and discussion. Examples include 10 Ways to Use Twitter, 10 New Ways to Decrease Landfill Airspace, 10 Ways to Improve Driver Safety, etc.
  • 30-75 minute pragmatic session that provides practical advice and suggested action steps to successfully implement and/or utilize a particular strategy, approach or technology in a preferred topic area.
 Flip Session
  • A “flip” of the traditional session in which 1-2 pre-WASTECON eSessions are presented, introducing a current and complex preferred topic that eSession participants can attend. At WASTECON, the 30-90 minute session allows web participants to meet with the Session Organizer for in-depth follow-up discussion of the presented concepts. The pre-conference eSessions will be recorded and placed into the WASTECON proceedings along with the Session Organizer’s paper.
 Poster Session
  • During exhibit hall hours, selected posters on a preferred topic area will be reviewed and a discussion on the research conducted will ensue.  This is a great opportunity to showcase new advancements in the field and have one-on-one conversations between the researchers and the attendees.
 Half-Day or Full-Day Workshop
  • Unlike Dumpster Dives, where there are no right or wrong answers, but an in-depth exploration of an issue takes place, the half-day workshop (approximately 3 hours) or the full-day (6-8 hours) involves presentation, discussion, possible exercises on a preferred topic, and includes predetermined learning objectives.
  • A 30-90 minute moderated debate between 2 parties on a preferred topic area.

We realize that we may not receive proposals for each of these format, but we would like to give you a wide variety of options to choose from when preparing proposals.   Any other types of formats that you'd like to see us try?  Any that you'd be excited about attending?  Any specific session topic you'd like to see in a particular format?  Now's a great time to help the Program Committees shape your conference. Add your comments below.

Would you like to be a presenter or session organizer?  Get you thoughts together and prepare your proposal/abstract. The online CFP will be opening in the next few weeks!

Looking forward to hearing from you!
