
101 Ways to Use Social Media in Solid Waste

By Meri Beth Wojtaszek posted 10-04-2011 04:54 PM


Social Media (aka Blogs, FaceBook, Twitter, LinkedIn, MySWANA) has certainly made a place in our personal as well as professional lives over the past few years.  I did a quick search on FaceBook and found hundreds of Solid Waste Authorities that have fan pages.  BTW (By the way) if you haven't "Liked" us on FaceBook yet go to SWANA Fan Page and click the "Like" button.   The SWANA LinkedIn Group  has nearly 2,500 connections.  Our SWANA Twitter page has grown to over 500 followers--If you're a "Tweeter" use #SWANA!

I know you are out there using all these social technologies, I'd like to create a list of "101 Ways to Use Social Media in Solid Waste."  I'll bet we can come up with even more than 101.  Tell us how you're using it.  Tell us what's working and what's been your challenges.  Tell us what you need to know more about--I'll bet there's some members who can help you out. 

To add to the list and join in this conversation, just scroll down and click the +Add a comment link.

Looking forward to hearing from you! 




12-19-2011 10:35 AM

I've crossed posted this question on the SWANA LinkedIn Group as well. Here's what we've come up with so far:
1. You find solutions and advice from the talent & experience within your network
2. Pictures can be worth a 1000 words.
3. You've got to know your target audience - not all social media tools are created equal
4. Today, "word of mouth" can reach far & wide
5. Overt marketing in social sites should be avoided.
Looking forward to hearing more ideas.

10-06-2011 02:09 PM

I use MySWANA (Blogs & Discussions) to follow what others in the Solid Waste profession are doing and keep up with the technical aspects of LFG recovery. The talent and experience available from the SWANA membership is second to none, and I would encourage members to use the discussion forums to seek answers to technical questions. You are not alone, others members are sure to have seen your challenge and are often willing to share their experiences and solutions with you. There are often several ways to solve a problem and a discussion with SWANA members is a good way to flush out the best solutions.
I also use LinkedIn to keep track of friends and colleagues, who is doing what and where they are now. There are often lively discussions in the Group section. I have not yet got into FaceBook or Twitter, not enough time, but there’s always tomorrow.