
ISWA Vienna

By Brian Tippetts posted 10-06-2013 04:00 PM

On 10/6/13, w/ John Skinner, represented Canada and the US as voting delegates at the ISWA meetings in Vienna, Austria.

Vote was taken that could have reduced the number of votes that some countries receive. By a modest majority vote, Canada retains its votes. The US would not have been affected.

ISWA continues to have significant growth in numbers and finances. ISWA is a respected organization and more is being done to increase its influence.

I'm told ISWA has the world's largest available body-of-knowledge. (I didn't know that.)

I hope to report more tomorrow. I have posted nothing on LinkedIn because LinkedIn security doesn't seem to like that I'm in Vienna. LinkedIn is trying to verify that I am me and said it may take some time to verify. Weird.

